Suit yourself mate. It's a free country and you can do as you please.. Read something yesterday though that made me think of you.. There's a new book out by Richard Branson, called Lessons In Life: Screw it, Let's Do It.. He's a self-made, British billionaire.. And Virgin has become a global icon, hasn't it? Anyway, don't know if you read much mate, but in his new book, Richard tells how his Mum taught him to stand on his own two feet, and he says: I was trained to think for myself and get things done. It's what the British as a nation used to believe in, but there are some kids today who seem to want everything handed to them on a plate. Perhaps if more parents were like mine were, we would be a nation of go-getters, as we used to be.
When I asked you if Muslims can ever be both British AND Muslim.. you said: I don't believe Muslims can ever be British. You can put a cow in a stable, but it will never be a horse. And y'know what mate? I really thought about that for a while.. And I came to a very careful conclusion about it.. What the hell does it mean!!? ..that you think Muslims are cows, and British are horses!? I'm not sure which is better, because both are animals..
Mate.. you're quite right when you say you don't have to give any reasons for what you've said.. There's no legislation which says you must never get confused about cows & horses and Muslim & British.. And you don't have to be a go-getter like Richard Branson today.. You can just follow whatever you want and vote for whomever you want, without ever really thinking about things at all mate.. Because we both know that too many people in our country don't think enough today, don't we? And that's exactly why you and me are having this conversation like civilised human beings, isn't it? Because we both think we really care about our country..
You said you don't believe Muslims can ever be British, but you also said you have Muslim friends.. I politely asked you twice about your Muslim friends and if you ever tell them how you truly feel about Muslims, but you won't answer.. So it makes me wonder.. If you truly believe in what you say, then which are you most committed to being? A friend to Muslims? Or, a friend to Bradford and to our country? Because if, as you say, Muslims can never be both British and Muslim, then how can YOU ever be a friend to both British and Muslims at the same time? Or.. do you really have any true friends at all? Mate.. Are you just an enemy to everyone including yourself? Are you like Richard Branson says, one of these kids today who seem to want everything handed to them on a plate?
"Lumberjack" <no-***> wrote in message news:***
You seem to be trying to goad me into something here with your line of
interrogation. I don't want to be drawn into it. I don't have to give a
reason and I don't have to justify what I have already said or add to it.
"Robert Beck" <***> wrote in message news:***
Mate.. Everywhere you look in the media there's nasty things said about
Bradford, by London journos who have probably never even been there.. They
don't talk about ANYWHERE like they talk about Bradford, do they? Not Leeds,
Liverpool, not Birmingham, East London or South London.. According to what
people read and hear in the media - NOWHERE is as bad as Bradford.. And
today Bradford is again front page news and headline telly news, with fresh
claims about the PC Sharon suspect.. Tomorrow the Bradford Riots programme
will be aired on Channel 4.. and the media will kick off against Bradford
again.. not that it ever even stops..
You said you think things should be different in Bradford.. but that the
British government don't support this.. Why should people in London listen
if you're not prepared to speak up mate? Too many people take their ball and
go home when things get tough these days. Life's full of difficult
questions.. and by the sound of things many of those questions face you
every day in Bradford, it's just that you're hesitant to confront them..
You deserve better in our own country.. so the question was something you
feel strongly about.. you said you have Muslim friends.. how do they feel
about what you think about Muslims? Or do you just stop saying what you
believe when these tough questions come up?
"Lumberjack" <no-***> wrote in message news:***
I don't want to continue with thread.
"Robert Beck" <***> wrote in message news:4457dbb0$***
It must be really difficult to live amongst so many Muslims in Bradford
you feel like this. And even more difficult having personal friends of
own who are Muslims. What do they think about what you think? Is there any
way to ever tell them how you really feel about Muslims?
"Lumberjack" <no-***> wrote in message news:***
I don't believe Muslims can ever be British. You can put a cow in a
but it will never be a horse.
I have had a couple of Muslim friends from both before and after the
and I know a lot of other Muslim people in Bradford.
I believe a person should be free to live the life they choose, and if a
person chooses to live to a backward religion they should go and live in
backward country, instead of ruining our country that has done so well
without them. Muslims have chipped away at everything for thirty years
have ruined Bradford beyond repair.
Bradford has no problems from any other race of people or any other
religious group of people, so why do we have to have our lives changed
spoiled by the Muslim subversives. More to the point, how many more
will it be before British government recognises this raping of our
"Robert Beck" <***> wrote in message news:***
Mate.. I think that's the BIG question, isn't it.. Can Muslims EVER be
Muslim AND British at the same time?
I mean, life today is difficult enough, what with family, work, etc..
trying to be one thing is tough, let alone 2..
Have you ever had any Muslim friends? Do you know many in Bradford?
"Lumberjack" <no-***> wrote in message news:***
You got me wrong here, I am 100 percent sure that it was a race riot.
gripe is that the council, the local news papers and the rest of the
all claimed it was a bunch of young criminals to blame. They would
it be known that it was a race riot from Muslims directed at non
(IE. whites).
You asked:
"what do you think should be done about Muslims in Bradford? What do
think should be done about Muslims everywhere?"
Do you know mate, this really pisses me off. As a law abiding
not allowed to say what I think because I would then be accused of
racial hatred. What do I think about them? Well to start with they
be compelled by law to dress in a decent manner which is acceptable to
wider public and they should be jailed for walking the public streets
wearing scruffy pajamas.
A new law should be passed to compel them to integrate with western
in the country in which they live.
"Robert Beck" <***> wrote in message news:44566be1$***
Media can never be trusted mate.. but as you're in Bradford and you
believe it was a race riot, what was it then?
some journos have complained about lengthy prison sentences Muslims
compared to Whites in other areas of Bradford? I think the Channel 4
is supposed to highlight these issues..
what do you think should be done about Muslims in Bradford? What do
think should be done about Muslims everywhere?
"Lumberjack" <no-***> wrote in message news:***
I've always been in Bradford.
I will be watching the Bradford Riots drama thing this Thursday
TV @9pm).
After the Bradford Riots had happened, Bradford council and the
and the UK TV all told lies about the riots. The all claimed it was
race riot, that was the big lie. I drove around the area the next
observed the damage to property. Every property that was damaged
non Muslims (IE. owned by whites). Non of the media reporting
fact. Lets just see what Channel 4 TV can do about reporting the
"Robert Beck" <***> wrote in message news:44553062$***
so what brought you to Bradford then mate?
are you gonna watch the Channel 4 Bradford Riots drama thing this
bet it's shite myself..
Post by Billy who?first ever trip to bradford the other week. jees what a dump.
Post by Billy who?of muzzers and pakistani's all dressed in full panky garb.
loads of burkhas..
it wants nuking. couldn't wait to get out of the place
You are 100 percent correct. What a shithole it is, sick of
up with them walking about the place dressed in scruffy dirty
pyjamas. They are an utter disgrace to the country.